Hey friends!
I’m back, for real this time. The past few years I’ve been pretty absent from my blog writing on my website. Starting from outdoor and overland gear reviews, curving towards my restart with digital photography and most recently dipping my toes into film photography. Now we are married to the medium of analog photography. With a career change and new path I have a lot to throw down here but we will keep it brief for this re-intro to my life in words.
Pentax 67 x Kodak Gold 200. Shot in Seattle, WA.
If you’ve followed along in the past you’ll know I’ve dabbled into every aspect of digital photography until I hit a burn out and a loss for creative expression through photography. With my change to film I have been immersed further into my work than ever before and am not looking back. I have nothing against digital photography and will eventually make my way back to including it in my work flow but film has helped me refine every aspect of my photography.
From slowing down the process it’s allowed me to show focus on areas that I’ve wanted to improve on for a long time. From my compositions in camera, awareness of lighting and patience with post processing it has helped me improve and streamline my work. Film has brought in a better understanding of light, where it be certain times of day, types of artificial light or utilizing better angles when it comes to shooting with harsh or cinematic light. The other side of film that I have absolutely loved is how welcoming the community has been and how supportive it can be. This is where the new career path starts.
Fuji GA645 x Kodak Gold 200. Shot in Seattle, WA at T-Mobile Park.
Canister Club. Canister Club is an idea that I have formulated while falling in love with film photography. At the moment Canister Club exists as a spot to find used film cameras and accessories on Etsy, with Instagram as the primary social media platform to build our community, I have plans to expand Canister Club into a storefront focusing on also creating a creative space for local and visiting photographers. This plan will be rolling out in steps, stay tuned and follow our Instagram to keep up with our journey. Check the bottom of this post for links.
Pentax 67 x Kodak Portra 800
With the change in career I have also started lining up more clientele work, focusing on portraiture and branding all on film. Using a mix of medium format with my Pentax 67 and 35mm with my Nikon F2 it’s an absolute blast using cameras stuck in the 70’s. My goal is to keep ramping this work up to keep expanding my portfolio and experience of shooting commercial work on film. There are multiple projects on my mind, one is to publish my second zine and the other is to be active in this space.
My goal is to keep my blog current and up to date with valuable information on my photo projects, weekly photo walks and reviews on film cameras and gear that I use. Drop some suggestions on anything you are looking forward to seeing me post about and I would be stoked to share my knowledge!
If you’re still here, thank you for taking the time to read through, this blog will retain more information and images that aren’t shared to my social media platforms. I will be back soon with an update on some of the current cameras I am using for my own projects.
Nikon F2 x Kodak Gold 200. Seattle, WA on the way to Bainbridge Island.
Cheers! Happy Shooting!